Making Rooflight Recommendations for Customers

Rooflights are a personal thing. While it’s widely acknowledged that they can add to the atmosphere of a building and create a better aesthetic, the style will largely come down to personal preference. This can make it challenging for builders and contractors who have been asked to buy rooflights on behalf of their customers. Do you make a recommendation based on what you would pick yourself? Do you think about the building? How much do you consult with your customer first?

If you can, make sure your customers have access to literature regarding rooflights. Have a look at brochures with them, or give them some websites to look at. It might be best to send them to a website that you actually use to buy your rooflights, so they can see the exact options they can select. It doesn’t do any harm to make recommendations, but make sure you customer is central to the decision making process.

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